What kind of an anime fan doesn't atleast TRY to draw? I've been drawing anime for about two years now and here are some of the stuff I've done. Not grand, I'm still working on it. =P

This was a gift for Arti Cuno This was supposed to represent the friendship of me, Phil and Daven My friends' and I's fav pokemon together! Request pic for Ninetales3001 of his Ninetales, Princess
I'll always love this drawing, Rukonian Raichu! Request drawing for Qasic of PokeGym Originally a drawing of just Charmander for a friend that turned into something I like! Me and Duo. I'm shameless.
Chibi Duo! Run! Duo looks too feminine in this... And I messed up his hands REALLY bad! Kagome and Inuyasha. Inuyasha with a new attitude! Bwaa!
From the ONLY frame in Escaflowne where I thought Van looked cute. XD My FIRST Dilandau! Be proud of me! Dilandau and Celena... They're so cute together, admit it! Aww... Young Dilly is crying.... *hug*
Kawaii-des! Me and Dilly. ^_^ It's me and Dilly! Whee! Dilandau in tights... As Spider-Man! er... Spider-Dil! Dilly in the shower! Woot! Am I shameless or what? XD
Not original, I based it off another drawing, I like it nonetheless.... This was SUPPOSED to have been autographed by Andrew Francis (Dilly's VA)... Eternal Sailor Moon! Bwaa! I like the style, but I HATE the legs...
OMG! A good pen doodle! Request drawing for Ninetales3001. I made $5! XD Drawing from one of my fics... I wish I was in her place, but with the guy lacking his shirt. XD Carol from my fic, Wings of Hope. I love the dress...
The Tsubasa no Kami (Goddess of Wings) from Wings of Hope. Seadra Reef and Rocky Cliffs, buddies! Victoria from Wings of Hope. Rukoneon, again, from Wings of Hope
  Hazzuh for original characters in note books! Weird drawing style for this one... O_o;;;  

All wallpapers here were made by me, Hikaru Tsuki. If you wish you use them on your own website, you must give me credit by name, e-mail and website link. Thank you. Click on thumbnails to view them full size. All wallpapers are 1024 X 764.

My current wallpaper. I LOVE this one! It's Duo! It's blue! Wheee!