
Hao Asukura
Anime: Shaman King
I've only seen 14 episodes of Shaman King so far,
yet, even though he hasn't made his appearance
yet, Hao is my favorite character. Why? His voice
actress is Minami Takayama, the same VA of
Dilandau. When my friend stated sending me a
bunch of pictures of him, I became very tempted
to make the costume. It will cost a bundle and
will take a lot of work, but GOD I love it! I'll
get to be extra crafty with this costume. I'll
probably end up spending more time on the craft
stuff than the actual sewing. The sewing is easy,
but the crafting won't, which will make this
costume interesting! |
Chances of making this costume? Mighty high! I
perfer to crosscosplay rahter than just cosplay,
and Hao is too cool to pass up! The costume
itself won't cost too much, but I'm afraid of how
much that long brown wig will cost me! $50?
Probably. Ouch. Also, I'll have to take on a
bundle of fabric painting on all the straps on
the pants... Bah. This costume won't be nearly As
3D as shown in the series and in fanarts, that's
just impossible. The circles (that make
everything look like lego) will take the form of
buttons. Whee! XD And like I said before, sewing
the costume won't take nearly as much time as all
the crafty work I'll be tackling. The straps,
belt, gloves, shoes, earrings, etc. It'll all
demand a lot of time and work, but I'm willing to
give it just that! Bwaa! |
Hao fanart from